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This video demonstrates a micropneumonectomy. This technique uses 5 mm ports in the intercostal space and a subxiphoid incision for the stapler. The lung is removed through the subxiphoid incision. CO2 and the anterior VATS lobectomy approach are used for duration of the operation. VATS pneumonectomy is often limited by the large size of the sample, as a large utility incision is often nearly the size of a minithoracotomy. A micropneumonectomy overcomes this problem. The vertical subxiphoid incision is not painful, and any pain does not stop coughing or mobilization.
For more information, click he/article/right-upper-microlobectomyre. If you have any questions or comments for the author, please post in the comments section below.
Mr. Dunning is a proctor for Cardica.
All images shown are used with permission of the patient.