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Uniportal Robotic Thoracic Surgery—A Surgeon's Initial Impressions
Dunning J, Waterhouse B, Burdett C. Uniportal Robotic Thoracic Surgery—A Surgeon's Initial Impressions. June 2022. doi:10.25373/ctsnet.20113151
This is Joel Dunning’s first look at uniportal thoracic robotic surgery. He trialed this surgical technique to see how it works. By the end, he felt he had learned a fair amount. With this video, his intention was not to create a “how-to” presentation but rather to stimulate discussion and help his peers progress together toward the exciting new blend of uniportal VATS and robotic surgery spurred by Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas.
Let Dr. Dunning know of your thoughts by leaving a comment below. He implores his peers to consider posting their own videos on CTSNet!
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