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Cardiothoracic Ethics Forum Scholarship

Susan Moffat-Bruce, MD, PhD, MBA

Previous scholarship award recipient


Program Overview

The future leadership of the Forum and ethics education will fall to early and mid-career CT surgeons, many of whom harbor great interest in ethics, but lack experience in the field, as few surgeons have background and training in bioethics. To provide opportunities for intellectual development and preparation for leadership roles in CT surgical ethics, the Forum, supported by the STS and the AATS, offers scholarships in amounts up to $10,000 for interested CT surgeons or CT surgery trainees to obtain formal education and training in biomedical ethics through any of several programs offered by leading ethics centers in North America.

Scholarship holders are expected to participate in ethics-related activities of CT surgery organizations.

Scholarship Application Guidelines

Awards are made to CT surgeons or trainees who are interested in biomedical ethics and show promise of providing leadership for the continuing development and flourishing of ethics education for CT surgery. Candidates must be members of the STS or the AATS, or be trainees in a CT training program or committed to CT surgery while in another surgery training program. An application must include:

  • a curriculum vitae or résumé that displays evidence of scholarly activity and leadership roles
  • identification of a specific educational program that will advance the applicant’s ethics knowledge and skills in preparation for participation and leadership in CT ethics programs
  • a budget that will cover the expenses associated with the identified program
  • a proposed plan of study (no longer than 250 words) that clearly states the educational insights and benefits that the scholarship will provide for the applicant's professional career and for CT surgery as a specialty


Past recipients are expected to recruit similarly qualified applicants from among their colleagues. At the end of the scholarship period, recipients must submit a report on the outcome of their educational opportunities.


The deadline has now passed.


Questions regarding Ethics Forum Scholarships should be directed to AATS Program Manager, Dawn Garrett at


Partial Listing of Short-Duration Ethics Educational Programs:

Baylor College of Medicine

Center for Bioethics of Harvard University

Cleveland Clinic Clinical Ethics Immersion Program

Georgetown University

Harvard Clinical Bioethics Course

Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics

University of Chicago

University of Washington

Yale University


Previous Scholarship Award Recipients


Kristen Sell-Dottin, MD 


Clauden Louis, MD

Jessica Luc, MD


Previous Scholarship Award Recipients

Name (alphabetical)

Home Institution

Award Year

Study Program

Brittany Abt, MD

Keck Medicine of USC


The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Law School, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Law and Medical Ethics Course

Devon Anderson, MD

University of California Davis Medical Center


Harvard Clinical Bioethics Course

Oliver Chow, MD

Weill Cornell Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery


Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics: Intensive Bioethics Course

Nicholas Contreras, MD

University of Utah


Harvard University Master’s in Bioethics

Garrett Coyan, MD

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA


Bioethics Course (BIOETH 2664), University of Pittsburgh Center for Bioethics and Health Law

Jennifer Ellis, MD, MBA

MedStar Heart Institute Washington Hospital Center


Georgetown University Intensive Bioethics Course

John Entwistle, MD, PhD

Jefferson University Hospital


Georgetown University Intensive Bioethics Course

Kathleen Fenton, MD

International Children’s Heart Foundation, Wm Novick Global Cardiac Alliance


Albany University Masters in Bioethics Degree Program

Ioana Florea, MD

Coopers University Hospital


Yale University Bioethics Program

Hiba Ghandour, MD

Duke University


Intensive Bioethics Course at Georgetown University

Ariana Goodman, MD

Strong Memorial Hospital


Advanced European Bioethics Course “Suffering, Death and Palliative Care”

Fadi Hage, MD

London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario


Bioethics Intensive Course at Baylor College of Medicine

Meghan Elizabeth Halub, MD

Johns Hopkins Hospital Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellow, 2018-2024


Bioethics and Health Policy Course, Loyola University, Chicago, Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Health Care Leadership


Jason Han, MD

Integrated Resident, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania


Master of Science of Medical Ethics (MSME) Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Ali Irshad, MD

Vanderbilt University


Harvard Fellowship in Bioethics

Lucky Jefferson, MD

University of Calgary


Fellowship in Bioethics at the Center for Bioethics at Harvard University

Sivaveera Kandasamy, MD                      

University of Maryland Medical Center


Baylor College of Medicine Bioethics Intensive Course

Leslie Kohman, MD

Upstate Medical University, Syracuse


Georgetown University Intensive Bioethics Course

Clauden Louis, MD

University of Rochester


Summer Institute in Bioethics at Yale

Jessica Luc, MD

University of British Columbia


Master’s Degree Healthcare Law University of Dundee

John Mayer, MD

Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University



Fellowship in Bioethics at the Center for Bioethics of Harvard University

Susan Moffatt-Bruce, MD, PhD, MBA

Ohio State University Medical Center


Georgetown University Intensive Bioethics Course

Makoto Mori, MD

Yale School of Medicine , CT


Yale University, Bioethics Summer Institute

Darshan Reddy, MD

University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa


University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (Ethics Studies)

Brandi Scully, MD

Johns Hopkins Hospital


Bioethics Intensive Course at Baylor College of Medicine

Laura Seese, MD

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center


Baylor College of Medicine Bioethics Intensive Course

Kristen Sell-Dottin, MD

University of Louisville


University of Washington School of Medicine - Advanced Training in Healthcare Ethics

Aditya Sengupta, MD

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Harvard Fellowship in Bioethics

Karissa Tauber, MD

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania


Oxford University-Short Course in Ethics of Healthcare and Capitalism

Lauren Taylor, MD

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center


Harvard Fellowship in Bioethics

Joshua Watson, MD

University of Michigan


Georgetown University Intensive Bioethics Course

Dennis Wells, MD

University of Cincinnati Medical Center


The Ohio State University College of Medicine Master of Arts in Bioethics

Richard Whyte, MD, MBA, MS (Hon)

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University


Fellowship in Bioethics at the Center for Bioethics of Harvard University

Sean Wightman, MD

Keck Medical Center of the University of Southern California


Bioethics Intensive Course at Baylor College of Medicine

Jane Zhao, MD

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center


Baylor College of Medicine Bioethics Intensive Course