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August 2, 2006
June 14, 2006
By A. Sampath Kumar, MD Video:
May 14, 2006
By Christopher W. Baird, MD, Francis Fynn-Thompson, MD, Meena Nathan, MD, and Frank Pigula, MD
April 26, 2006
Every other year, the University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center holds a reunion in Ann Arbor for “graduates” of our program. Many former patients and their families return from around the country and it’s always a thrill for all of us to see them again and catch up on their lives.
March 15, 2006
By A. Sampath Kumar, MD
December 13, 2005
I am pleased to provide my reflections on what is now forty years of practicing cardiothoracic surgery.
December 6, 2005
At the dawn of your medical career and the twilight of mine, I feel obliged to reflect upon the unusual privileges that society accords to our very special profession.
July 25, 2005
I stood about six feet from the radiant warming bed, behind the nurses and residents who were crowded around, each playing a role in the drama reenacted from time to time in this intensive care unit. They were resuscitating a neonate in cardiopulmonary arrest.
July 8, 2005
Thoracic Surgery is changing rapidly and will not be what it once was ever again, but it remains a vibrant field with many challenges and one where the ability to change lives and hold a position of respect within ones community and peers has never been greater.
June 7, 2005
I rarely sit down and reflect on the joys and value that a career in cardiothoracic surgery brings to my life. I seem instead to be thinking about what I’m doing.
