The video shows the explantation of a Corevalve through a minimally invasive inferior ministernotomy approach.
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Videos - General
February 9, 2016
This video demonstrates a technique for laparoscopic repair of a Morgagni hernia, with and without excision of the sac.
February 8, 2016
This video shows a primary inferior cavopulmonary connection with an extracardiac conduit as an alternative treatment for an infant unsuitable for the bidirectional Glenn.
February 5, 2016
This video shows a completion pneumonectomy performed totally by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) on a 64-year-old female non-smoker.
February 2, 2016
This video demonstrates the technical details of a thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy utilizing the fissureless fissure-last technique.
February 1, 2016
This video demonstrates a surgical technique for repairing a left pulmonary artery sling.
January 28, 2016
This video demonstrates a left lobectomy on a 49-year-old patient with bronchiectasis.
January 27, 2016
This video demonstrates a coronary artery bypass grafting and mitral valve repair in a 60-year-old female patient.
January 25, 2016
This video demonstrates a lobectomy performed through a transcervical incision without sternal lifting or retracting.
January 19, 2016
This video presents the case of a 74-year-old patient, who suffered from recurrent pneumonias due to the presence of bronchiectasis in the lung. A VATS anatomical resection of the anterior upper lobe segment (S3) was performed.