This article presents the benefits of direct axillary artery cannulation and the fact that it is safe, expeditious, and hemostatic.
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Videos - General
August 8, 2023
In response to the release of the updated 2023 AHA/ACC/ACCP/ASPC/NLA/PCNA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Chronic Coronary Disease, authors representing the AATS and STS came together to write a rebuttal explaining their perspective on the controversial guidelines. In an interview with CTSNet Editor in Chief Joel Dunning, revascularization specialist and AATS representative Dr. Faisal Bakaeen elaborates on the surgeons’ perspective.
August 7, 2023
This video demonstrates a robotic bilateral thymectomy with an emphasis on surgical anatomy and technique.
August 4, 2023
Joe Bavaria speaks on how the new STS and AATS endorsed aortic guidelines have informed risk assessment in treating thoracic aortic aneurysms, as well as how to interpret these guidelines in individual cases.
August 3, 2023
In March 2023, the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland brought together surgeons from around the world to discuss topics in CT surgery. This recording covers the session on innovative mitral valve surgical techniques.
August 1, 2023
This video presents a walk-through of a large pulmonary artery aneurysm reconstruction with vascular prosthesis in a patient with concomitant two-vessel coronary artery disease and patent foramen ovale.
July 31, 2023
This video demonstrates robotic assisted thoracoscopic bilateral lobectomy and tangential resection of left main pulmonary artery via subxiphoid approach for synchronous non-small cell lung carcinoma.
July 25, 2023
In Colombia, undertaking a lung transplant procedure comes with some unique challenges. In an interview at AATS 2023, Dr. Eric Vinck speaks on the socioeconomic, structural, and geographic challenges of lung transplantation in Colombia.
July 24, 2023
This video demonstrates a minimally invasive left atrial myxoma resection using 3D technology.
July 20, 2023
In March 2023, the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland brought together surgeons from around the world to discuss topics in CT surgery. These recordings cover the two sessions focused on coronary surgery.