We present an operative technique video of the anatomic repair of congenitally corrected transposition (ccTGA) with ventricular septal defect (VSD), pulmonary atresia (PS), and mild right ventricular hypoplasia in a 2-year-old palliated with a 3.5mm rmBTS (and coronary artery fistula ligation) in the neonatal period, followed by a rmBTS takedown and bidirectional Glenn shunt at 4m/o.
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Videos - General
January 12, 2022
January 6, 2022
As the execution of percutaneous edge-to-edge repair increases, so does the need for surgical treatment of failed procedures. Mitral valve surgery after failed percutaneous edge-to-edge repair can be complex and the feasibility of surgical mitral valve repair/replacement depends on the patient’s underlying systemic conditions and the time elapsing between the primary percutaneous and the secondary surgical procedures. In this setting, a minimally-invasive approach may enable complex valve surgery promoting both faster recovery and increased patient’s satisfaction.
January 5, 2022
This is a 2-week-old neonate who was diagnosed with a Type I aortopulmonary window and underwent repair via separation of both great arteries and patch repair of the defects in both the aorta and pulmonary artery.
January 4, 2022
Proximal aortic dissection with root involvement and aortic insufficiency can be difficult to repair; in this video, the history of reparative approaches and a potentially improved technique involving aortic ring annuloplasty are presented.
January 3, 2022
This video highlights the repair of an anatomically challenging and hemodynamically significant scimitar vein using a unique interposed stretch PTFE graft to reduce the likelihood of tension and kinking associated with direct anastomosis.
December 29, 2021
This video shows the superior approach for repair of a supracardiac variant of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) in a 3-month-old boy.
December 21, 2021
In majority of patients, the cephalic vein is the best way for implantation of pacemakers and defibrillator leads and should be considered as the first choice. This video provides an example of how this can be done.
December 20, 2021
We provide an expert technique video demonstrating BAV repair and aortic root replacement (re-implantation) in a patient with a dilated root aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with mild aortic valve regurgitation.
December 16, 2021
In this video, we present a 19-years-old patient with a history of 21 mm mechanical mitral valve replacement and aortic valve commissurotomy at the age of three who underwent mitral valve re-replacement by using the top-hat technique, aortic valve replacement, and aortoplasty.
December 15, 2021
Intraoperative aortoscopy to confirm position and distal seal of the Thoraflex hybrid stent device in the descending thoracic aorta after deployment.