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14th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
Thursday, April 5, 2018 to Sunday, April 8, 2018
Royal Seginus Convention Center
See map: Google Maps
Contact Information
The Scientific Program of the 14th International Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) Congress will be held at the Royal Seginus Convention Center in Antalya, Turkey on April 5-8, 2018. The UCCVS Congress will be enriched by the Valve Summit, International Forum of Arrhythmias (IFA), Interventional Cardiology Mediterraean (IC-MED) Meeting, Pulmonary Hypertension Summit, Heart Failure Summit, Hypertension Summit and Adult Congenital Heart Summit. It will also have joint sessions with the American Heart Association, Heart Rhythm Society and many other international scientific bodies.
Moreover, the Advanced Echocardiography Course, ECMO Course, Aortic and Mitral Hands on Valve Repair Wet Lab Courses and Anastomotic Simulation Skills Lab will create the other interactive parts of the scientific program.
The Program Committee promises to provide the most updated, interesting and most interactive scientific programme coloured by Live Transmissions from international and national cath labs and ORs.
All accepted abstracts of the congress will be published as a supplement to "The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery" or "American Journal of Cardiology" according to their contents and the author's will.
Abstract Due
Monday, December 18, 2017
CME is Available