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2nd International Conference Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer
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Dear Colleagues, After the great success of the first edition that took place in Paris, we are pleased to welcome you to the 2nd International Conference about Sublobar resections for lung cancer that will take place in NewYork City on the 26th and 27th of September, 2019. The treatment of early-stage lung carcinomas is rapidly evolving. During the last years, we have progressively moved from pulmonary lobectomies – considered until recently as the gold standard – to various treatments including stereotaxic radiotherapy, radiofrequency and sublobar resections. At a time where lung screening programs are progressively set up, the management of ground glass opacities and early stage tumors will become a major issue for thoracic oncologists and surgeons. By nature, thoracic surgeons are convinced that surgical resection offers the best compromise in terms of pathological diagnosis, tumor staging and survival. But surgeons are also aware they must reduce the morbidity of their procedures. This explains the recent interest in sublobar resections whose rate has dramatically raised in high-volume centers all over the world. As this evolution arises at a time when thoracoscopic and robotic techniques are also spreading and developing, most surgeons agree that pulmonary segmentectomies should be done – whenever possible – without opening the chest. However, performing a thoracoscopic anatomical segmentectomy poses unique technical problems and is highly challenging. It is this challenge and the great interest to this topic during the first edition, that has encouraged us to organize this 2nd international conference. Looking forward to welcoming you in New York. On behalf of the organizing committee