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Barts AortoVascular Symposium 900
Contact Information
The Barts Aortovascular Symposium 900 is part of the celebration of 900 years of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. It is an in-person international conference targeting all multidisciplinary professionals involved in the care of patients with aortic valve and aortic pathology including acute aortic dissection. The programme is enriched with local, national and international experts in the field who will present, discuss and debate on the surgery and interventional management of aortic valve and the entirety of the aorta from aortic root to Thoracoabdominal aorta, recent international guidelines, NHS aortic dissection toolkit , innovative care initiatives as well as research into this area. There will be the opportunity for attendees to interact with the faculty and to submit abstracts for presentation during the symposium.
In addition, the city of London offers a great blend of history and modern architecture and flavour of life for the delegates to explore.