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Hamburg Valve Repair 2023: Training Course for Mitral and Aortic Valve Repair in Cooperation with University Hospital Augsburg
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Hamburg Valve Repair 2023 will be dedicated to the cutting-edge developments and techniques in the minimally invasive and reconstructive therapies of mitral and aortic valve disease.
We strongly believe that cardiac surgeons and cardiologists involved in the treatment of patients with structural heart valve disease should be familiar with modern surgical reconstructive approaches in the current heart valve therapy and adopt the principles of valve repair techniques to provide the best available patient care.
To meet these expectations, we will offer an interactive two-days live surgery-based training course on aortic and mitral valve repair for cardiovascular and cardiothoracic surgeons. This educational course on minimally invasive / reconstructive heart valve surgery is organized by the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, University Heart & Vascular Center Hamburg in cooperation with the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital Augsburg.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg!