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WUPCHS Webinar - Truncus Arteriosus, Aortopulmonary Window, Anomalous Origin of the Pulmonary Artery from Aorta - Part 1
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WUPCHS Webinar 44 - Truncus Arteriosus, Aortopulmonary Window, Anomalous Origin of the Pulmonary Artery from Aorta: Part 1
February 8 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 am EST
Morphology and Classification of Truncus Arteriosus
Vera Aiello
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Morphology of Truncal Valve
Gabriel Liguori
Lugano, Switzerland
Diagnostic Imaging of Truncus Arteriosus
Saurabh Kumar Gupta
New Delhi, India
History of Truncus Arteriosus Repair SPECIAL LECTURE (30 Min)
Dedicated to the Surgeons Responsible for the Modern-Day Treatment of Truncus Arteriosus
Constantine Mavroudis
Sarasota, USA
Repair of Truncus Arteriosus with Valved Conduit
Martin Kostolny
London, UK
Repair of Truncus Arteriosus without Conduit
Sameh Said
Valhalla, USA
Surgery for Truncal Valve Regurgitation
Igor Konstantinov
Melbourne, Australia