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Samer Sebak
Samer Ahmed Abdelshafy Sebak, M.D.

Appartment 24
Ain Shams university (B.S.1995)
Ain Shams university (General Surgery Residency (1996-1997)
Maadi armed forces hospital (Cardiothoracic Residency (1998-2001)
Ain Shams university (MD in 2008)
Maadi armed forces hospital ( registrar 2003-2008)
Maadi armed forces hospital ( senior registrar 2008-2011)
kobry elkobba hospital (consultant 2011-2013)
Observership at Cleveland Clinic for 5 months on 2012
Observership at Einstien Medical Center for 2 months on 2016
Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery Dept kobry Elkobba Military Hospital (2014 -2017)
Other Interests
robotic cardiac surgery
minimally invasive cardiac surgery
Aortic vascular surgery
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital
- Thoracic