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Alessandro Maria Budillon
Alessandro Maria Budillon, M.D., Ph.D.

2nd Medical School
Pre doctoral clerkschip at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Naples University ( 1989-1992 )
Practical Training in Medicine and Surgery prescribed by law to obtain the Degree In Medicine/Surgery
Fellow in Cardiac Surgery at Clinica Montevergine AV ( 1992-1997 )
Fellow in Cardiac Surgery at Clinica Mediterranea Naples ( 1998-2000 )
European Community Board in General Surgery Naples University ( 1992-1997 )
European Community Board in Cardiac Surgery Parma University ( 2000-2005 )
PhD : "Tissue Engineering in biological cardiac prosthesis” ( 2005-2008 )
Since December 2006 staff surgeon in Cardiac Surgery at Parma Medicine University
Other Interests
Miocardial revascularization
Mitral Reconstruction
Off-pump revascularization
Aortic Surgery
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Aorta
- Coronary disease
- Great vessels
- Valve disease
- Endovascular