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Athos Capuani
Athos Capuani, M.D.

Private Practice
Via Maggiani 59
Massa Carrara 54033
0039 3403456535
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Pisa Univ Medical School ( M.D.)
Cardiology, Pisa Univ ( 1976 )
Cardiovasc Surgery, Rome Univ ( 1983 )
Thoracic Surgery, Siena Univ ( 1991 )
Fellowship Paediatric Cardiac Surgery Royal Brompton Hospital London
Postgrad Cert Cardioth Video Surg, Univ Paris VI
Postgrad Cert Paediatric Cardiol. Univ Paris v
Other Interests
Robotic Cardiovascular Surgery
Paediatric Cardiac Morphology
Off-Pump Coronary Artery Surgery
Extra Corporeal Life Support Tecniques
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital
- Thoracic