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Andrew Cochrane
Andrew Donald Cochrane, M.D.

Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Monash Medical Centre
246 Clayton Rd
Melbourne , VIC 3168
61 3 95944515
61 409935043 (alternative)
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
MBBS, University of Melbourne, 1973-1978
FRCS(CTh) awarded in 1993
Grad.Dip.Epid, 1999, MPH, 2003, M. Epidemiology, 2005, at University of Melbourne
MBA and Master of Health Service Mgt, Monash University, 2015
Master of Surgical Education, University of Melbourne, 2017
Cardiac surgeon, Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, 1993-1995
Cardiac surgeon, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, 1995 -2008
Other Interests
Adult congenital heart surgery
Aortic surgery
Heart and lung transplantation
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital
- Thoracic
- Aorta
- Basic science
- Cancer
- Chest wall
- Congenital
- Coronary disease
- Diaphragm
- Endocarditis
- Extracorporeal circulation
- Great vessels
- Lung
- Pleura
- Thoracic
- Trachea and bronchi
- Tricuspid valve disease
- Valve disease