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Adelheid End
Adelheid End, M.D.

University of Vienna - Medical School (M.D. 1983)
General Hospital of Baden, A (General Practitioner 1987)
Vienna University General Surgical Residency (1987-1991)
Vascular Residency (1991-1994, Board Certificate)
Thoracic Residency (1994-1997, Board Certificate)
Traveling Fellowship Montefiore Hospital N.Y. (1998)
Thoracic Residency Essen/Germany (1995)
Thoracic/Vascular Fellowship Tuebingen (1996)
Associate Professor of Surgery (1997)
Other Interests
Ethics in Surgery
Videoassisted Thoracoscopy
Thoracic Surgery Database
Lung Volume Reduction Procedures
Lung Cancer
Malignant Mesothelioma
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Chest wall
- Ethics
- Lung
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Professional Affairs
- Thoracic
- Trachea and bronchi