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Akio Ikai
Akio Ikai, M.D., Ph.D.
Shiga University of Medical Science (M.D. 1988)
Mt. Fuji Shizuoka children's Hospital residency & Staff surgeon (1990-1998)
Kyoto University Cardiovascular Surgery research/clinical fellow (1998-2000)
UCSF/Stanford Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Research scholar (2001-2003)
Stanford Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Clinical Instructor (2003-2004)
Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Children's Hospital Staff Surgeon (2004- 2006)
Iwate Medical University Cardiovascular Surgery Assistant Professor (2007-2008)
Iwate Medical University Cardiovascular Surgery Associate Professor (2008-)
Iwate Medical University Cardiovascular Surgery Professor (2015-2017)
Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Children's Hospital Executive Vice President (2017~2024)
Iwate Medical University Cardiovascular Surgery Visiting Professor (2017-)
Shizuoka General Hospital Department Pulmonary hemodynamics Research(2024~)
Other Interests
Research Fetal cardiac surgery
Neonatal cardiac surgery
Research Pulmonary artery remodeling after cavopulmonary anastomosis
PA VSD MAPCA unifocalization
Practice Areas
- Congenital