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Alberto Juffe
Alberto Stein Juffe, M.D., PhD., Emeritus

Buenos Aires University Medical School. (1969)
Ph.D. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain.(1976)
Clinica Puerta de Hierro. Residency of Cardio-thoracic surg.(1972-1975)
Associated chief of cardiac surgery. Clinica Puerta de Hierro. Madrid. Spain (1975-1985)
Special Cardiovascular Fellow. University of Alabama. Birminghan. USA.(1980)
Fellow. Children's Hospital Medical Center. Dr. AR Castaneda. Boston. USA. (1979)
Chief of Department . Sanatorio Modelo Quilmes. (Buenos Aires).Argentina. 1986-1988.
Chief of department of cardiac surgery. Juan Canalejo Hospital. Coru
Chief of Cardiac Surgery. Hospital Modelo de la Coru
President of the Society of Cardiac Surgeons. 2000-2001.
Other Interests
arterial off-pump coranary surgery.
Cardiac valve repair
ross procedures.
myocardial cellular regeneration
Aortic stentless valve
Aortic aneuryms.
Heart transplantation
Minimal invasive cardiac surgery
Fast track programme
Practice Areas
- Cardiac