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Vitaly Demyanchuk
Vitaly B Demyanchuk, M.D., Ph.D.

Kharkiv Medical Institute (M.D. 1985-1993)
Kharkiv Medical University Pediatric Surgery Residency (1993-1996)
Kyiv Institute of Cardio-vascular Surgery Cardiac Surgery Residency (1996-1998)
Mulhouse Central Hospital France Visiting Fellow Cardiothoracic Surgery (1998 head Dr. A.Elkouby)
University Hospital Rotterdam Visiting Fellow Cardiothoracic Surgery (2000 head Prof.Dr.A.Bogers)
University Hospital Birmingham Fellow (2002 head T.R.Graham, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon)
Riley Hospital Indianapolis Visiting Fellow (2004)
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville Visiting Fellow (2004)
Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery (Ph.D. 2005)
Other Interests
cardiac preservation
early complete repair tetralogy of Fallot vs staged
pedicled autopericardial patches technique
valve repair surgery
pulmonary hypertension
double valve replacement
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital