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Cornelius Davis
Cornelius A. Davis, III, M.D.

U. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (B.A. Chem, B.A. Poli Sci 1985)
Duke University School of Medicine (M.D. 1989)
Duke U. General Surgery Residency (1989-1991)
Northwestern U. CV Research Fellow/PhD candidate (1991-1997)
Boston University General Surgery Residency (1997-2000)
Albert Einstein/LIJ Cardiothoracic Residency (2000-2002)
U. Texas - Houston Advanced Aortic Surgery Fellow (2002-2003)
Wellspring CardioVascular & Thoracic Surgery, (2003- )
Other Interests
Robotic Heart, Lung and Mediastinal Procedures
Endovascular Aortic and Peripheral Vascular Surgery
Thoracic, Thoracoabdominal, and Abdominal Aortic Surgery
Ablative Techniques for Atrial Fibrillation
Minimally Invasive / Beating Heart Surgery
Valve Repairs & Replacement
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Vascular