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Christian Bermudez
Christian Andres Bermudez, M.D.

University of Chile General Surgery Residency (1994-1997)
University of Chile Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency (1997-2000)
Mayo Clinic Cardiac Surgery Fellowship (2000-2002)
Pittsburgh University cardiothoracic transplantation and ventricular support fellowship(2002-2003)
University Of Chile -Cardiothoracic Surgery Jul 2003-2005
University of Pittsburgh -Ass. Prof. Surgery 2006-2011
Univeristy of Pittsburgh -Assoc. Professor .Chief Division of Cardiothoracic Transplantation 2012-Pr
Other Interests
Organ Preservation and Perfusion techniques
Mechanical Support for Cardiopulmonary failure
Heart and Lung transplantation
Heart failure Surgery
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Cardiac