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Charles Huddleston
Charles B. Huddleston, M.D.

University of Missouri-Columbia(BA 1974)
Vanderbilt Medical School (M.D. 1978)
Vanderbilt Medical Center-Internal Med. Intern(1978-79)
Vanderbilt Medical Center-General Surg. Residency(1978-86)
Vanderbilt Medical Center-Cardiothoracic Residency(1986-88)
Hospital for Sick Children,Great Ormond Street, London(1988-89)
Assistant Prof. Surgery, SUNY at Syracuse(1989-90)
Assistant Prof. Surgery, Washington University(1990-94)
Associate Prof. Surgery, Washington University(1994-2002)
Professor of Surgery, Washington University (2002-2011)
Professor of Surgery, St. Louis University (2011-present)
Other Interests
Lung Transplantation (Pediatric)
Congenital Heart Surgery
Heart Transplantation (Pediatric)
Arrhythmias following Fontan Procedure
Heart-Lung Transplantation
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Mechanical circulatory assistance
- Congenital
- Adult congenital procedures
- Heart Transplant