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Cecilia Pompili
Cecilia Pompili, MD, PhD

University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School (M.D. 2006)
University of Rome La Sapienza, Dept Thoracic Surg., S'Andrea Hospital (2005-2008)
University of Rome La Sapienza, Div Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation P.Umberto I (2006)
Visiting Physician Dept. Thoracic Surgery, Washington University, St. Louis (2005)
Visiting Physician Dept. Thoracic Surgery, Hotel Dieu, Paris (2009)
Specialty training Dept. Thoracic Surgery, Ospedali Riuniti, Ancona (2008-2014)
Trust Doctor Dept Thoracic Surgery Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust, UK
Other Interests
Quality of life and PROs
Patient Safety
Preoperative evaluation
Clinical database
Pleural disease
Neuroendocrine tumors
Minimally invasive thoracic surgery
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Thoracic