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Charles Wyatt
Charles H. Wyatt, M.D.

Louisiana Heart, Lung and Vascular Center
4212 W. Congress Suite, #3200
Lafayette, LA 70506
United States
1 337 273-2863
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Wesleyan University (B.A. 1982)
Baylor College of Medicine (M.D. 1986)
Baylor College of Medicine General Surgical Residency (1986-91)
Univ. Of Miami Affiliated Hospitals Cardiovascular Residency (1991-1993)
University of Miami Assistant Professor of Clincal Surgery (1993-1995)
Chief Medical Officer , Regional Medical Center of Acadiana
Other Interests
endovascular surgery
cardiovascular surgery
aviation - private pilot , instrument rated
emergency medical services
music -trumpet
Practice Areas
- Vascular
- Thoracic
- Cardiac