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Diego Bognolo
Diego A. Bognolo, M.D.

10301 Reclinata Lane
Tampa, FL 33618-4434
United States
1 813 933-3237
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
University of Rome Medical School (M.D. 1964)
Darthmouth Affiliated Hospitals General Surgery Residency (1969-1972)
Boston University Cardiothoracic Residency (1972-1973)
University of Miami Cardiothoracic Residency (1973-1974)
Private Practice in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Tampa Florida (1974 to 1999)
Founding Member NASPE ( 1979)
Retired from active practice (1999)
Other Interests
Retired from active practice
Computing and digital imaging
Medical translation (english to italian and italian to english)
Medicare part C management
Medicare Coverage Guidelines