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Daniel Doyle
Daniel P. Doyle, M.D.
Chief, Service of Cardiac Surgery, IUCPQ (2000-2008)
President, Association des chirurgiens cardiovasculaires et thoraciques du Québec (1995-2001)
Staff Surgeon, IUCPQ (1993- )
Head, Heart Transplant Program (1993- )
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Université Laval (1993- )
Staff Surgeon, Hôpital Notre-Dame (Montreal) (1988-1993)
Additional Educational Information
Université de Montréal (MD 1975)
Université de Montréal (General Surgery Residency 1975-79)
Harvard University (Cardiovascular Surgery Reseach Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital 1979-80)
CVT Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA (Cardiovascular Surgery Fellowship 1980-82)
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Heart failure
- Minimally Invasive
- Mitral valve disease
- Transcatheter
- Heart Transplant