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David O'Regan
David John O'Regan, MBA MD FRCS

BM (Southampton University 1985)
FRCS (Edinburgh 1990)
FRCS C-Th (1999)
MD - Doctor of Medicine (Imperial College - London 2000)
MBA - Executive MBA awarded with distinction ( Leeds University Business School 2005)
Association of Surgeons in Training - President 1999 -2000
British Association of Medical Managers - Tutor 2005
Appointed Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon - October 2000
Founder UK Association Of Medical Managers -
Honorary Senior Lecturer Leeds University
The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London - Livery Committee
Other Interests
Risk Management
Vascular Biology - response to injury
New Organisational Structures
Medical Management
Process and Systems of Health Care
Medical Politics
Training - teaching
Protein C
Systemic Inflammatory Response of Bypass
Practice Areas
- Cardiac