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Dan Raz
Dan J. Raz, M.D.
City of Hope Medical Center
1500 E. Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 91010
United States
626-256-4673 Ext 6-7287
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B.S. 1998)
University of Pennsylvania (M.D. 2002)
University of California, San Franicsco (MAS 2007)
University of California, San Francisco General Surgery (2002-2009)
MGH Cardiothoracic Residency (2009-2011)
Other Interests
Mediastinal tumors
Lung cancer
Minimally invasive thoracic surgery
Clinical Lung Cancer research
Translational Lung Cancer research
Airway surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic