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Patrick Maguire
Patrick Joseph Maguire, MD

Suite 310
President and CEO CyberHeart
President and CEO Targent Inc.
Chairman, Board Member, NewCardio Inc.
VP of Technology and Research, Vitagen (Vital Therapies) Inc.
Vice Chairman, Cardiac Surgery, Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA
Senior Registrar Transplantation Harefiled and Brompton Hospitals, UK (Sir Magdi Yacoub)
Chief Resident, Cardiac Surgery, Dr. Norman Shumway, Stanford University
Chief Resident General Surgery, Dr. John Mannick, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
Research Fellow - Molecular Oncology, Dr. Philip Schein, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Research Student, NIDR, NIH, Dr. George Martin and Dr. Robert Stern
Non-invasive treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and hypertension
Additional Educational Information
MBA - Pepperdine University
PhD - Georgetown University
MD - Georgetown University
AB - Wesleyan University
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Basic science
- Electrophysiology/arrhythmia
- Extracorporeal circulation