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Daniel Woolley
Daniel Scott Woolley, M.D.

Dickinson College (B.S. 1987)
Temple University Medical School (M.D. 1991)
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Camden, Gerneral Surgery Residency (1991-1993, 1994-1997)
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Camden, Surgical Research Fellowship (1993-1994)
Medical College of Virginia, Cardithoracic Surgery Residency (1997-1999)
University of Wisconsin, Cardiothoracic Transplantation Fellowship (1999-2001)
Faculty, Clinical instructor, University of WI (1999-2001)
Faculty, Assistant Professor, University of AZ (2001-2005)
Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery St. Joseph Medical Center (2005-Present)
Other Interests
OPCAB, Minimally Invasive Cardiac Procedures
Heart, Lung, Heart/Lung Transplantation
Mitral Valve Repair, Atrial Fibrillation Surgery
Video Assisted Lung Surgery including Lobectomy
Extrapleural Pneumonectomy (Mesothelioma and Stage IIIb Lung Cancer)
Esophageal Surgery
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic