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Emery Douville
Emery Charles Douville, M.D.
Staff cardiothoracic surgeon, The Thoracic Clinic, PC (1991 - 1994)
Staff cardtiothoracic Surgeon, The Oregon Clinic, PC (1994-present)
Chair, Dept of Surgery, Providence Portland Medical Center(1997-2000)
Credentials committee member, Providence Portland, 1998-2002
Medical Staff President, Providence Portland Medical Center (2005-2006)
Medical Director, Surgical Services, Providence Portland Medical Center
Division Chief, Surgery, Providence Portland Medical Center
Attending CV surgeon, Providence Heart Clinic
Other Interests
Quality and Patient Safety
Leadership and Process improvement
Adult cardiac surgery
General Vascular Surgery
Additional Educational Information
Medical Univ. of South Carolina Thoracic Surgery Residency
University of Cincinnati Surgery Residency (1982-1988)
U.C.L.A. School of Medicine (M.D. 1982)
University of California, Riverside (B.S. 1979)
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Vascular