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Edward Dunn
Edward James Dunn, M.D.

University of Notre Dame (BA 1969)
Wayne State University (MD 1973)
Northwestern University (MBA 1997)
Harvard University (MPA 2000)
Harvard University (MPH 2001)
Harvard University (ScD 2009)
RWJ Health Policy Fellow, US Senate 2000-2001
Dir. Policy & Clin. Affairs, VA Nat Cen Pt Safety 2003-09
Vasc Surg Fellow Baylor Med Center 1976-77
CTS Resident Vanderbilt Univ. 1978-80
Other Interests
Patient Hand-Offs in care responsibility
Public Health Policy
Patient misidentification
Fatigue management in health care organizations
Patient Safety Curriculum
Open Disclosure of adverse patient events
Patient Safety
Human Factors Enginieering
Crew Resource Management in Surgical Services
Practice Areas
- Vascular
- Thoracic
- Cardiac