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Eric Mendeloff
Eric N. Mendeloff, M.D.

Suite B3414
University of Wisconsin, Madison (B.S. 1981)
UCLA School of Medicine (M.D. 1985)
University of Michigan (General Surgery, 1985-92)
Clinical Research Fellow NHLBI/NIH (1988-90)
Washington University School of Medicine (CT Surgery Training-1992-94)
St. Louis Children's Hospital (Congenital Heart Surgery Training-1994-95)
St. Louis Children's Hospital (Assistant Professor, 1995-1998)
Washington University School of Medicine (Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery-1998-2003)
Director, Congenital Heart Surgery Medical City Children's Hospital, Dallas, TX (2003-2018)
Medical Director, The Heart Center at Children's Medical Center, Dallas, TX (2018-present)
Other Interests
Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
Pediatric Heart and Lung Transplantation
Adult Congenital Heart Surgery
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Congenital
- Adult congenital procedures
- Mediastinum
- Congenital thoracic
- Heart/lung Transplant