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Federico Benetti
Federico Jose Benetti, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Cardiac Surgery with 44 years of experience In 1978 started the off pump coronary surgery In 1986 create his Thecnique for exclusion of the interventricular septum ,In 1994 invented the MIDCAB operation In 1995 create most of the Thecnology is used today for off pump coronary surgery In 1996 performfor the first time in the World a mitral valve replacement using #D Minimally invasive , in 1997 The Aortic valve surgery througth the 2 or 3 intercostal space using 3 D In 1997 invented the Xiphoid Approach and perform the First ambulatory coronary operation in the World Create and Trained surgeons in 45 countries of the World in OPCABG, MIDCAB and MiNI OPCAB surgery Study in Argentina graduate Medical Doctor in 1971 From 1978 devlopted the Coronary off pump surgery Create most of the Thecnology is usede worldwide for these operations In 2005 surgical implanted for the first time embriofetals cells in patients with Heart Failure In 2005 invented the Cyberheart concept
Other Interests
Basically Minimally invasive Surgery, Coronary Surgery, Valve surgery, Stem Cells research
Diferents Thecniques and Thecnology for Cardiac Surgery , Arritmias , Stem Cells
Additional Educational Information
He studied in Rosario Santa Fe Argentina , Primary, secondary school and Medicine in the
the University school of Medicine graduate in 1971
He trained in cardiac surgery in the University of san Pablo Brasil 1971'1973
He was chief of cardiac surgery from 1974 to 1984 in the Spanish Hospital , Institute of Cardiology, Babies Hospital
From 1984 to 1994
was Chief of Cardiac Surgery Clinica Sagrada Familia, Clinica Modelo de Lanus, Colegiales Clinic.
Profesor of Cardiac Surgery Universiy of salvador BsAs Arg 1989'1994
Staff Argentinian Institute Diagnostic and Treatment IADT 1986 2012
From 1990 to 2016President Benetti Foundation
From 1995 to 2016
Director and Chief Cardiac Surgery Benetti Foundation Alem 1846 Rosario Argentina
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Vascular
- Minimally Invasive