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Gabriel Liguori
Gabriel Liguori, MD
Gabriel Liguori graduated with honors (Highest Distinction in Surgery) in Medicine at the University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP), receiving the Prof. Dr. Edmundo Vasconcelos Award, in 2014. He is also one of the few scholarship holders at Fundação Estudar, an organization recognized for selecting the best students in Brazil and establishing a network of influential people both nationally and internationally.
He was the founder and first president of the Brazilian Department for Academic Leagues of Cardiovascular Surgery (DBLACCV), a body of student representation within the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (SBCCV). Liguori also organized and published the book "Manual Acadêmico de Cirurgia Cardiovascular" (Academic Manual of Cardiovascular Surgery), in partnership with the SBCCV and in collaboration with 113 authors from all over Brazil, making it the reference to the learning of cardiovascular surgery during graduation.
During medical school, Liguori participated in various academic activities related to cardiovascular surgery, especially pediatric cardiac surgery. He founded, in 2011, the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery League (LCCP), an academic organization dedicated to the study of congenital heart disease and its surgical treatment, becoming its first president. Liguori was also the first Junior Editor at the Brazilian Medical Association Journal (RAMB), position which he continues to occupy. He conducted observational internship at Harvard Medical School and research internships at Maastricht University and Imperial College London.
Liguori has been developing cardiovascular surgery research at the Heart Institute (InCor-HCFMUSP), acting primarily on congenital heart disease and extracorporeal circulation research lines. Currently, Liguori is studying tissue engineering at the University of Groningen in order to, someday, construct artificial organs that can address the shortage and rejection issues of the current transplants.
- LIGUORI, GABRIEL ROMERO; JERONIMUS, BERTUS FILIPPUS ; LIGUORI, TÁCIA TAVARES DE AQUINAS ; MOREIRA, LUIZ FELIPE PINHO ; HARMSEN, MARTIN C. Ethical Issues in the Use of Animal Models for Tissue Engineering: Reflections on Legal Aspects, Moral Theory, 3Rs Strategies, and Harm-Benefit Analysis. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, ahead of print, 2017.
- LIGUORI, GABRIEL ROMERO; JATENE, MARCELO BISCEGLI ; HO, SIEW YEN ; AIELLO, VERA DEMARCHI. Morphological variability of the arterial valve in common arterial trunk and the concept of normality. HEART, v. 103, p. 848-855, 2016.
- LIGUORI, GABRIEL ROMERO; KANAS, ALEXANDRE FLIGELMAN ; MOREIRA, LUIZ FELIPE PINHO. Managing the inflammatory response after cardiopulmonary bypass: review of the studies in animal models. Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, v. 29, p. 93-102, 2014.
Additional Educational Information
University of Groningen
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Tissue Engineering
2015 – 2019
University of São Paulo
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cardiovascular Surgery
2015 – 2019
University of São Paulo
Doctor of Medicine (MD), Highest Distinction in Surgery
2009 – 2014