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Georgios Belitsis
Georgios Belitsis, Dr. Med.

University College London ZCR Great Ormond Street Hopsital
Guilford Street
Guilford Street
London WC1N 1DZ
United Kingdom
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Specialist Registration
'Thoracic Surgery', Panhellenic Medical Association, Greece, EU, 2022
'Cardiothoracic Surgery'-Specialist Registry, General Medical Council, United Kingdom, 2022
- University College London, Honorary Associate Professor, May 2022-...
- Great Ormond Street Hospital, Cardiothoracic Surgery Department, June 2021-...June 2023
- University College London, Clinical Lecturer, Jan 2021-May 2022.
- University College London, Hon Clinical Lecturer, Feb 2019-Jan 2021.
- Neonatal Cardiac Surgery Fellowship, Birmingham Children's Hospital, 09/18-07/19.
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Fellowship (ST8-9 level), Great Ormond Street Hopsital, London, 03/16- 08/18
- Honorary Clinical and Research Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, 12/15-2/16.
- Senior Clinical and Research Fellow, Harefield and Royal Brompton Hospitals (Thoracic Tx, Aortic, Congenital), 06/15-11/15.
- Cardiothoracic Transplantation Fellowship, Harefield Hospital, RBHT, 12/14-05/15.
- Sr Fellow (Senior Resident) in Surg.for complex Aortic Pathology (Cong and Acq), Brompton Hosp. RBHT, London, 01/14-11/15.
- Sr Fellow (Senior Resident) in Surg.for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, Brompton Hosp. RBHT, London, 07/11-12/13.
- Clinical Fellow in Cardiothoracic Surg, Brompton Hosp. RBHT, London, 07/10-07/11.
- Cardiac Surgery Resident, Semmelweis University Cardiac Transplant Clinic 2009.
Other Interests
- Heart/Heart Lung Transplantation and MCS for complex Congenital Heart disease.
- Post Cardiotomy ECLS
- Methods of Cerebral Protection/Perfusion along Aortic Arch surgery on the Neonatal/Pediatric/Adult patient.
- Surgical technique for the neonate with Pulmonary Hypertension. Can the 21st century offer any new surgical procedure
- Intramyocardial Starling capillary pressure changes along Coronary artery revascularization.
- How is the flow and the resistance changing with time.
- Intra-uterine hemodynamics and heart development.
- Coronary artery development.
- Education/Lecturing-Instructing on Cardiac Surgery.
- Global Health/Global Education
Additional Educational Information
Dr. med. Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, EU, 2009
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Congenital
- Single ventricle and palliative procedures
- Left heart lesions
- Aortic valve disease (congenital)
- Mitral valve disease (congenital)
- Tricuspid valve disease (congenital)
- Septal defects
- Transposition of the great arteries
- Aortic arch anomalies
- Pulmonary and systemic venous anomalies
- Mechanical support and transplantation
- Adult congenital procedures
- Transplant
- Heart Transplant
- Lung Transplant
- Heart/lung Transplant
- Education
- Basic science