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Guido Oppido

Guido Oppido, M.D.

Monaldi Hospital
Director Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Congenital Unit
39 3385060075
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Rome La Sapienza University Medical School (1989-1995)
Verona University Cardiac Surgery Residency (1996-2002)
Boston Children's Hospital Harvard, Fellowship (1998)
Rome Bambino Gesu' Pediatric Hospital, Fellowship (2000)
Bologna University S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Staff (2002 to 2015)
Federico Marsico Award (SICPED) Bologna 2003
Congenital Young Investigator's Award (EACTS) Vienna 2003
Melbourne Royal Children's Hospital, Clinical Fellowship (2005-2006)

Other Interests

Neonatal Cardiac Surgery
Low Body Weight Cardiac Surgery
Congenital Mitral Valve Malformations
Mitral and Aortic Valve Repair
Fontan Circulation
Morphology & Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease
Antegrade Selective Cerebral Perfusion In Neonates