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Giancarlo Roviaro
Giancarlo Roviaro, M.D., Professsor
University of Milano Italy
Padiglione Zonda Via Francesco Sforza 35
Milano 20122
39 2 0255035811
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Padova University Medical School(M.D. 1970)
University of Padova- Gen. Surgery Residency (1975)
University of Padova- Thoracic Surgery Ressidency(1978)
University of Milano -Associate Professor (1980)
Head Dept.Surgery Osp. San Giuseppe Milano(1990-03)
Full Professor of General Surgery (2000)
Head Dept. Surgery- University of Milano (2004-)
Director School of Surgery Univ. of Milano(2008 -)
Other Interests
general thoracic surgery
lung cancer
thoracoscopic major pulmonary resections
thoracoscopic surgery
oesophageal surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic