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Hamdi Abu Ali
Hamdi Abu Ali, M.D.

University of Jordan - Faculty of Medicine (MD, 1998)
Jordan University Hospital (Intern 1998-1999)
Jordan Medical Center (Resident 1999-2000)
Arab Center for Heart Surgery ( Resident 2000-2002)
University of South Florida (Stem Cell Program - Research fellow 2002-2004)
University of Jordan/G. Surgery Residency 2004-2008)
University of Jordan/ G. Surgery (Chief Resident 2008-2009)
Carolinas Medical Center (USA) - Cardiothoracic Surgery 2009-2011)
Carolinas Medical Center (USA) - Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery 2011-2012
Istishari Hospital (JORDAN) - Cardiovascular and Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgeon 2012-2017
Al-Khalidi Medical Center (JORDAN) in Affiliation with Lahey Clinic (USA) 2017-2019
Jordan Hospital and Medical Center 2019-current
Other Interests
Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery ( Uniportal/multiport VATS)
Minimally invasive thoracic trauma management
Chest wall reconstruction
Stem Cell Therapy and Myocardial Repair/Regeneration
MIE - Minimally Invasive Esophegeal Surgery
- Hamdi Abu Ali International VATS Experiences: Jordan" Review Paper: Güncel Göğüs Hastalıkları Serisi 2020; 8 (1): 135-141.DOI: 10.5152/gghs.2019.049
- Hamdi Abu Ali, Baha Shihadeh, Mohammad Najjar "Single Port Thoracoscopic Surgery to Implant a Left Ventricular Epicardial Lead: Report of two Cases", American College of Surgeons, ACS Jordan Chapter, Jordan 9/2019
- Hamdi Abu Ali, Nazih Kadri, Baha Shihadeh, Muaweih Ababneh "Single Port Thoracoscopic Surgery to Implant a Left Ventricular Epicardial Lead". International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery- ISMICS winter meeting, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2017 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12749.56804
- Hamdi Abu Ali, Baha Shihadeh, AbdelRahman Anani. “Uniportal VATS for the treatment of Hydatid Disease of the Lung” CardioThoracic Surgery Network - CTSNet January 2017
- Hamdi Abu Ali, Khaled Al-Asad, Baha Shihadeh, Nada AbdulBaqi, Osama Al-Bdour, Sakher Alkhaderi, Diego Gonzalez-Rivas. Uniportal VATS right lower lobectomy for a typical neuroendocrine tumor. Asvide 2016; 3: 215. doi:10.21037/asvide.2016.215
- Abu Ali H, Al-Asad K, Shihadeh B, AbdulBaqi N, Al-Bdour O, Alkhaderi S, Gonzalez-Rivas D. Uniportal lobectomy in Jordan—the journey continues. J Vis Surg 2016; 2:93.
- Hamdi Abu Ali “VATS for Removal of Para-Aortic Metallic Foreign Body” CardioThoracic Surgery Network - CTSnet video, November 9, 2015 :
- Abu-Ali HM, Shihadeh B, AlAsad K, Abu-Ali Q, Abdulbaqi N. “The Role of VideoAssisted Thoracic Surgery in Removal of Intrathoracic Foreign Bodies Secondary to Trauma: 12 Cases From War Zones in The Middle East and North Africa” . Innovations: Technology & Techniques in Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery: June 2015 - Volume 10 - Issue - p S85–S115 doi: 10.1097/IMI.0000000000000153DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4038.7447
- Al-Zaben KR, Qudaisat IY, Al-Ghanem SM, Massad IM, Al-Mustafa MM, Al-Oweidi AS, Abu-Halaweh SA, Abu-Ali HM, Saleem MM. “Intraoperative administration of dexmedetomidine reduces the analgesic requirements for children undergoing hypospadius surgery.” Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2010 Mar;27(3):247-52.
- Al-Ghanem S, Massad I, Rashed E, Abu-Ali H, Daradkeh S. ”Optimization of Anesthesia Antiemetic Measures versus Combination with Dexamethasone or Ondansetron in the Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting” : Surg Endosc. 2010 Feb;24(2):353-8. Epub 2009 Jun 11
- Al-Ghanem S, Massad I, Al-Barazangi B, Al-Mustafa M, Daoud F, Abu-Ali H. " Effects Of Sevoflurane On Postoperative Liver Functions In Morbidly Obese As Compared To The Non-Obese Patients". Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology, 2009 Jun; 20(2): 207-212
- Al-Mustafa M, Badran I, Abu-Ali H, Al-Barazangi B, Massad I, Al-Ghanem S. "Intravenous Dexmedetomidine Prolongs Bupivacaine Spinal Analgesia" Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology, 2009 Jun; 20(2): 225-232
- Atiyat B, Kloub A, Abu-Ali H, Massad I " Clinical Sense in the Prediction of Surgical/Trauma Intensive Care Mortality" European Journal of Scientific Research 2009 May;30(2): 265-271
- Al-Qudah AS, Abu-Ali HM, Al-Hussaini MA, Massad IM "Periosteal chondroma of the clavicle: Case report and review of the literature." . Int J Surg. 2009 Apr;7(2):140-1
- Al-Ghanem SM, Massad IM, Al-Mustafa MM, Al-Zaben KR, Qudaisat IY, Qatawneh AM, Abu-Ali H ” Effect of Adding Dexmedetomidine versus Fentanyl to Intrathecal Bupivacaine on Spinal Block Characteristics in Gynecological Procedures: A Double Blind Controlled Study” : American Journal of Applied Sciences 2009; 6(5): 882-887
- Abu-Halaweh S., Al Oweidi A, Abu-Malooh H., Zabalawi M., Alkazaleh F., Abu-Ali H., Ramsay M." Intravenous dexmedetomidine infusion for labour analgesia in patient with preeclampsia" Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2009 Jan; 26(1):86-7
- Massad I, Alhadidy A, Moath M Elsmady, Abu-Abeeleh M, Attyat B, Abu-Ali H, Abder-Rahman H, Abu-Ghaida J, Badran D” Doppler Ultrasound guided Brachiocephalic Central Line Insertion in Cardiac Surgery; an Overlooked Approach Revisited” : Eur J Anat, 2008;12(3): 153-158
- Jabaiti SK, Issa AA, Fram KM, Saleh SS, Abu-Ali H "Combined Abdominoplasty with Intra-Abdominal Gynecological Procedures" European Journal of Scientific Research 2008 Dec; 24(1):119-126
- Massad IM, Abu-Ali H, Al-Ghanem SA, Badran IZ, Ammari BA, Daradkeh SS."Duration of venous occlusion with lidocaine for preventing propofol induced pain."Saudi Med J. 2008 Jul; 29(7):971-4.
- Abu-Halaweh IM, Massad IM, Abu-Ali H, Murshidi M, Al-Oweidi A, Al-Adwan G, Ammari B “Pre-emptive ileoinguinal / Ileohypogastric nerve block versus morphine for unilateral varicocelectomy” Jordan Med Journal 2008 Jun; 42(2):87-93
- Abu-Halaweh SA, Massad IM, Abu-Ali H, Badran IZ, Barazangi BA, Ramsay MA."Rapid sequence induction and intubation with 1 mg/kg rocuronium bromide in cesarean section, comparison with suxamethonium."Saudi Med J. 2007 Sep; 28(9):1393-6.
- Massad I, Abu-Ali H, Biron-Andreani C, Picot MC, Trinh-Duc P."Antithrombin and protein C in systemic inflammatory response syndrome." Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2007 Jan; 15(1):39-44.
- Massad IM, Abu-Ali H, Abu-Halaweh SA, Badran IZ “Venous occlusion with lidocaine for preventing propofol induced pain. A prospective double-blind randomized study" Saudi Med J. 2006 Jul; 27(7):997-1000.
- Robert J. Henning; Hamdi Abu-Ali; John U. Balis; Michael B. Morgan; Alison E. Willing; Paul R. Sanberg "Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction" Cell Transplantation, 2004; 13(7-8): 729-739
- Henning RJ, Abu-Ali H, Balis J, Morgan M, Willing A., Sanberg P. “Human Umbilical Cord Blood Cells limit the size of Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2004, 5(A): 269-270
- Abu-Ali H, Henning RJ, Sanberg PR: “Cardiac Cell and Gene Transfer Principles, Protocols, and Applications” Book Review: Cell Transplantation. Cell Transplantation, 2003; 12(8): 921-922
- March 2004 Ivancsits D, Cuevas J, Abu-Ali H, Henning R ”Calcium Calmodulin Kinase II Signaling Pathways are Important in Cocaine-Induced Cardiac Ventricular Hypertrophy”, 15th Annual HSC Research Day, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
- March 2004 Abu-Ali H, Randolph J, Winslow S., Henning R, Morgan M, John Balis, Willing A, Sanberg P: “Human Umbilical Cord Progenitor Cells in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction”. 15th Annual HSC Research Day, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
- April 2004 Henning RJ, Abu-Ali H, Balis J, Morgan M., Willing A., Sanberg P. “Human Umbilical Cord Blood Cells limit the size of Acute Myocardial Infarction”. American College of Cardiologists annual meeting, New Orleans
- March 2003 Abu-Ali H, Randolph J, Henning R, Morgan M, Baldwin M, Menard L, Willing A, Sanberg P “Preliminary Report: Human Umbilical Cord Progenitor Cells in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Abstract and Poster, 14th Annual HSC Research Day, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
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Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Minimally Invasive
- Pericardium
- Diaphragm
- Lung
- Esophagus
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Trachea and bronchi
- Transplant
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