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Hazem Barmada
Hazem Barmada, M.D. FRCS CT
St. Andrews University, Scotland (BSc. 1971)
Manchester University, England (MB, ChB, 1974)
Manchester & Liverpool Univ Hosptls Residency (1974-82)
FRCS Ed, Edinburgh 1982
FRCSEd CTh, Edinburgh 1995
FRCS CTh, 1995 (British Intercollegiate Board in C/Th Surg.)
Chief Fellow, Starr-Wood Card. Gp, PDX , OR (1991-93)
Medical Licenses in MS, LA, MA, CA, OR & WA.
Member, Ed. Board J Long Term Effects of Med Implants 1994-2000
Cardiac, Vascular & Thoracic Surgery Practice on MS Coast
Other Interests
Atrial Ablation & Surgery for atrial fibrillation
Valve surgery & mitral valve repair
Rigid brochoscopy for FB's in infants and children
General thoracic & Oesophageal surgery
Vascular & Endovascular Surgery/interventions
Carotid endarterectomy
Medico-Legal Reviews
Thoracic Trauma & Tracheobronchial ruptures
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac