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Hans Borst
Hans Georg Borst, M.D., Professor

10/17/1927 Born in Munich, son of pathologist Max Borst
1933-37 Public School, Munich
1944 Gymnasium, Munich
1945 Labor Force, Luftwaffe, Prisonship of War
1947 Abitur, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
1948 Reconstruction Force, Munich University
1950 Praeclinical Medical Training, Munich University. Physikum
1953 Harvard Medical School, Boston. MD Degree, US Medical Board
1954 Surgical Internship, Stanford University Hospital, San Francisco
1956 Fellow in Cardio Thoracic Physiology, Harvard School of Public Health
1958 Surgical Resident, Marburg University. Doctor med.
1968 Munich University. Senior Resident, PhD, Prof.Surgery
1968 Founder and Chairman of the Surgical Center, Hannover Medical School until 1993
1972-96 Head of the newly founded Division of Cardio-thoracic and VascularSurgery, Hannover Medical School.
1996 Retirement.
From 1996 Chief, Eastern European Committee, EACTS
2006 Founding of Zentrum für Herz- und Stammzellenforschung Hannover in Borst's name
- Langenbeck Price (1964)
- Lexer Price (1987)
- Service Medal, Lower Saxony (1988)
- Prof. Honoris causa, RAMS, Moscow (2000)
- Zenker Price (2003)
- Dr. honoris causa, University of Bern (2007)
- Service Cross First Class, Federal Republic of Germany (2015)
- Paracelsus Medal, Federal Chamber of Physicions of Germany (2018)
Honorary Membership 11, including
- Societe de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire de
- Langue Francaise (1980)
- American Association for Thoracic Surgery (1985)
- Royal College of Surgeons, London (1989)
- American College of Surgeons (1984)
- German Surgical Society (1996)
- European Surgical Association (2003)
- German Society of Thorac and Cardiovascular Surgery, Co-Founder (1975)
- European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, EACTS (1996), Co-Founder (1987)
Chief Editorships
- “Thoraxchirurgie”/”The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon”, 1978-1987
- European Journal for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery of EACTS, 1987-1994
Pupils in Senior Positions 18, thereof 9 University
Publications >400 Original Papers, 50 Book Contributions
Married to Petra Angelika, 4 Children, 9 Grandchildren
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic