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Hiroshi Date
Hiroshi Date, M.D.

Division of Thoracic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center
40 Duke Medicine Circle
3584 Duke South, White Zone, BOX 3496
3584 Duke South, White Zone, BOX 3496
Durham, NC 27710
United States
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Okayama University School of Medicine (M.D. 1984)
Washington University Research Fellow (1989-91)
Cleveland Clinic General Thoracic Fellow (1993-94)
Washington University Lung Transplant Fellow (1994-95)
Okayama University Associate Professor (2004)
Okayama University Professor (2006)
Kyoto University Professor (2007)
Duke University Professor (2025)
Other Interests
Lung Transplantation
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
Lung Cancer
Practice Areas
- Thoracic