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Immanuel Turner
Immanuel I. Turner, M.D.
Congenital Cardiac Surgery
1585 S Fillmore Street
Denver, CO 80210
United States
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Other Interests
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Singe ventricle palliation
Neurodevelopmental outcomes after DHCA and anegrade cerebral perfusion
Additional Educational Information
University of Michigan (B.S. 1998)
Wake Forest University School of Medicine (B.S. 2004)
Duke University Genera Surgery Residency (2004-2011
University of Michigan Cardiothoracic Residency (2011-2013)
University of Michigan Congenital Fellowship (2013-2014)
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Tricuspid valve disease
- Congenital
- Single ventricle and palliative procedures
- Pulmonary and systemic venous anomalies
- Transplant
- Great vessels
- History