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Ichiro Yoshino
Ichiro Yoshino, MD, PhD, FACS

International University of Health and Welfare
Hatakeda 852
Narita 286-8520
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Other Interests
Kyushu University (M.D.1987)
Chiba University (Professor of GST 2007~ )
Kyushu University (Academic position 2000-2007)
Kyushu Cancer Center (Stuff, 1999-2000)
Kyushu University (Residency 1987-1989)
Kyushu University Institute of Bioregulation (Ph.D. 1989-1982)
Harvard Medical School (Research Resident 1992-1994)
University of Occupational and Environmental Health (Training of GTS 1995-1999)
Practice Areas
- Thoracic