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Joseph Galea
Joseph Galea, M.D., FRCS(CTh)

University of Malta (MD 1985)
Newcastle Upon Tyne Medical School (1988-1989)
Qualified LRCP(Edin) LRCS(Edin) LRCPS(Glasgow) 1989
Leicester University Rotating General Surgical Residency (1991-1992)
Cardiothoracic Residency, Sheffield University, UK (1992-1996)
Senior Registrar in Cardiothoracic Surgery, St Luke's Hospital Malta (1996-1998
Specialist Registrar in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Birmingham UK (1999-2000)
University of Sheffield Medical School (M.D. 2000)
Intercollegiate Examination FRCS(CTh) 2000
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon 2001
Other Interests
General Thoracic Surgery
Research in coronary graft patency
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac