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James McClurken

James B. McClurken, MD, FACC, FCCP, FACS, FESC

Doylestown Hospital
Director CV Quality, Medical Director Clinical Research, Woodall Cardiovascular Center
Doylestown Hospital, 599 West State Street, Suite 207
Doylestown, PA  18901
United States
1 215 345-2100
21588090006 (alternative)
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Washington University, in St. Louis, BA; Temple University School of Medicine, M.D.; AOA
Chief, Thoracic Surgery, Abington Memorial Hospital, 1985-2008, Consulting 2008-2020
Assoc.Director Cardiopulmonary Transplantation, Temple University Hospital, 1992-1999
Prof. of Surgery (Cardiothoracic,) 1999-, Emeritus 2012-, Temple University School of Medicine
Director, CT Surgery QA/PI, Temple Univ Hosp, 2005-2012
Chief, Thoracic Surgery, Reif Heart Institute, Doylestown Hosp, 2012-2021
Board of Directors, Delaware Valley STS Quality Improvement Initiative, 2001-
Past-President: Philadelphia Academy of Surgery
Past-President: Eastern Cardiothoracic Surgical Society/PATS
Chair, American College of Cardiology 2010 59th Annual Scientific Sessions
Co-Chair ACC Surgeons Leadership Council, 2011-2014
Chair/Co-Chair, ACC 2012. 2013, 2014 Annual Mtg International Sessions, ACC Lifelong Learning Oversight Committee, 2017-
STS National Database QI Workgroup, 2015-
Medical Director Clinical Research, Woodall Cardiovascular Center, Doylestown Hospital, Doylestown, PA, 2018 -

Other Interests

TAVR, Geriatric CT Surgery, CV Care
Coronary Artery Revascularization; TAR; OPCAB
Valvular Repair and Replacement,
Healthcare Systems Improvement
Ventricular Assist Devices
Thoracic Surgery
Atrial fibrillation
Heart/Lung Transplantation
CT Surgical Quality Assesment, Quality Improvement
Outcomes Analysis, Risk review