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J. Smith
J. Marvin Smith, III, M.D.

Methodist TexSan Hospital
6800 IH-10 West, Suite 300
San Antonio, TX 78201
United States
1 210 616-0008
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Tulane University (1965-68)B.S.2005
Tulane University School of Medicine (M.D. 1972)
Univ.of Texas -Parkland Memorial Hosp.(1972-73)
Univ. of Texas HSC San Antonio (1973-77)
Texas Heart Institute (1977-79)
University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Hospital (1977-1979)
Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center (1979-1981)
UTHSC San Antonio Professor of Surgery(clinical)
Other Interests
Heart Valve Research
Aortic Surgery
General Thoracic Surgery
Cardiac Surgery for Acquired Heart Disease
Endovascular Artery Repair
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Vascular
- Mediastinum
- Great vessels