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Jemi Olak
Jemi Olak, M.D.
3610 Gardens Parkway
Unit A802
Unit A802
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
United States
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
McGill University (B.Sc. 1977)
McGill University (M.D.C.M. 1982)
McGill University - General Surgery Residency 1982-87
McMaster University - M.P.H. 1988-89
Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK - General Thoracic Surgery 1987-88
University of Toronto - General Thoracic Surgery 1989-90
Other Interests
Lung Cancer: Clinical Trials
Esophageal Cancer: Clinical Trials
Thoracoscopy : Applications
Outcomes and Database Development & Utilization
Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Thoracic Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic