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José Garcia
José P. Garcia, M.D.

Medical Professional Center 2000
Surgical Director, Thoracic Transplantation and Artifical Heart and Lung Programs, Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital (September 2017-Present)
Massachusetts General Hospital Surgical Director of Cardiothoracic Transplantation and Artificial Heart and Lung Program (Jun 2013- August 2015)
Massachusetts General Hospital Surgical Director of Heart Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support (Nov 2012 - May 2013)
University of Maryland Medical Center Surgical Director ECMO Program (2009-2012)
University of Maryland Medical Center Associate Director Cardiothoracic Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support (2009-2012)
R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center Attending Surgeon (2009-2012)
Advanced Cardio-tech Consultants (2006-2008)
Montefiore Medical Center Chief of the Division of Heart Transplantation and Surgery for Congestive Heart Failure (2001-2006)
Temple University Hospital Associate Director of Heart and Lung Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support (1999-2001)
Other Interests
Heart and Lung Transplantation
Mechanical Circulatory Support
Organ Recovery and Perfusion
- Focus on heart and lung transplant research.
- Mechanical support divices.
Additional Educational Information
Chief Residency, Cardiac Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 12/01/1997-6/30/1998
Senior Residency, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Boston Children’s Hospital, 07/01/1997-11/30/1997
Junior Residency, Cardiothoracic Surgery Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1996-06/30/1997
Program in Clinical Effectiveness, Thoracic Oncology, Harvard School of Public Health, 06/01/1995–08/01/1995
Clinical Fellow, Thoracic Oncology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute, 07/01/1995–06/30/1996
Assistant- to- Surgeon –in- Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1994-06/30/1995
Chief Residency, General Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1993–06/30/1994
Senior Residency, General Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1992–06/30/1993
Research Fellow, General Surgery, M.I.T./West Roxbury VAMC, 07/01/1990–06/30/1992
Senior Residency, General Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1989–06/30/1990
Junior Residency, General Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1988–06/30/1989
Internship, General Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 07/01/1987–06/30/1988
Implantation of Cardiac Assist Devices:
Impella 5.5 LVAD Scottsdale, Az 12/2019
Syncardia Total Heart Houston, Tx 11/2019
Heartware III LVAD Orlando, Fl 02/2018
Protek Duo Boston, MA 05/2015
Impella 4.0 LVAD Atlanta, GA 02/2014
HeartWare Lateral Thoracotomy Approach Hannover, GER 12/2013
Impella Percutaneous RVAD Boston, MA 11/2012
HeartWare LVAD Baltimore, MD 12/2010
Cardiowest Total Heart Baltimore, MD 01/2010
Heartmate II LVAD Baltimore, MD 04/2008
Ventrassist LVAD Baltimore, MD 02/2008
Impella 5.0 VAD Baltimore, MD 01/2008
Centrimag VAD Baltimore, MD 01/2008
Jarvik 2000 Houston, TX 08/2007
Thoratec IVAD New York, NY 12/2004
Abiomed AB 5000 New York, NY 12/2003
Tandem Heart System BIVAD New York, NY 06/2003
Novacor LVAS Pittsburgh, PA 11/2002
HeartMate I LVAD New York, NY 12/2000
Thoratec PVAD Durham, NC 03/2000
Abiomed BVS 5000 Boston, MA 03/1994
Ex-Vivo Devices:
Transmedics Ex-Vivo Lung Boston, MA 11/2013
Transmedics Ex-Vivo Heart Baltimore, MD 01/2011
Vitro Life Ex-Vivo Lung Baltimore, MD 04/2010
Other Certifications:
Proctor for HeartWare, Inc. Boston, MA 01/2015
DaVinci Robotic Training Baltimore, MD 07/2008
Zeus Robotic Training New York, NY 01/2003
Proctor for Transmycardial Laser Philadelphia, PA 06/2000
Revascularization (TMR) with CO2 Laser
Medtronic Freestyle Valve Implantation Philadelphia, PA 12/2000
Proctor for Genzyme Beating Heart Philadelphia, PA 10/1999
UNOS Heart & Lung Transplantation Philadelphia, PA 08/1999
Report of Technological and Other Scientific Innovations:
First Ex-Vivo Lung Transplant in the United States 2011
First report of Dual Lumen Catheter Ambulatory ECMO with Atrial Septostomy 2011
First Report of Ambulatory ECMO as a bridge to transplant 2009
Design of new left ventricular cannula for BVS 5000 System 2003
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Extracorporeal circulation
- Mechanical circulatory assistance
- Mechanical support and transplantation
- Heart Transplant
- Lung Transplant